
Fuelled by a pure interest and passion in creating unforgettable, immersive experiences for audiences, driven to delve into the realm of authentic storytelling. It is my belief that the power of genuine narratives can deeply connect with people, resonating with their experiences and emotions. By doing so, i aim to create a lasting impact that transcends the boundaries of experiences and thus create meaningfull memories that lasts a lifetime.


👋 Hi, I’m Anjal

An aspiring New Media Designer/Architect.

Based out of Trivandrum,Kerala,India.

Obsessed with comics, weird physics concepts and the theatrical world

of Wes Anderson.


Recent recipient of Special Jury mention award under the Installation design category in XIV Florence Biennale.

I have presented “Memoir to Public Benches”,an interactive kinetic art installation on the idea concept of shared solitude with respect to the dual nature of a public bench.

That's all folks – Medium

My projects

About me

As an architect with a passion for storytelling, immersive, and creating unforgettable experiences, I find myself focusing on and working in the present and in the upcoming future to create moments that one can carry along in their life. I am an Architect based in Kerala, doing a master's in New media design at the National Institute of Design Gandhinagar.

Pure interest in the process of creating memorable experiences, be it a theatre performance, a set for a movie or an installation in the center of the city, or any other has led me here to the gates of NID. Aspiring to be a production designer in the near future, new media design has started aligning my thought process much clearer and wider,opening me up to possibilities that I haven't thought of during my UG days. Architectural research in the course time on urban skywalks and Museum technology, helped me understand the significance of the user experience using architecture, design, and the applications of digital technologies existing today. With diverse opportunities in immersive technology, it's simple to understand how enormous the possibilities for this today and in the future will be. Reinventing such phygital elements is what my focus is on. From staging experience on the concept of shared solitude wrt everyday joys of mundane objects such as a park bench to creating speculative fictional scenarios of a city with an underground network of museums and library as a form of protest, NID has helped meexplore a wide rnge of domains in Staging and speculation. “There is more than an average eye is allowed to see.” I will be content in life If I can further bring out more experiences such as more to people’s perception of Van Gogh’s depiction of the euphoric beauty of our world, or even the joy and splendor of our planet to the common public.

**📨 Email Me →[email protected]**

📝 My Resume →